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Julia Briend

freelance graphic designer


Born in 1980, lives in Nantes (France).

Portfolio on demand

Graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière in 2003, I first worked as a retoucher and an artist’s assistant before devoting myself to a graphic design activity.

Driven since 2021 by self-initiated projects, my work is now dedicated to photography, with a strong interest in portraiture. My obsession with encounters leads me to use photography as a pretext to connect with others.


Festival Les Remous, Nantes, France
“Sportives” Le voyage à Nantes, Cale2Créateurs, Nantes, France
Lovely Autonomy, galerie Bøwie, Genève, Suisse

Les Mercredis photographiques, Bordeaux, France
Les Nuits Photographiques de Pierrevert (projection), Pierrevert, France


Aide Individuelle à la Création, DRAC Pays de la Loire


« Development of a long-term photographic project » with Claudine Doury (Agence VU’).

Septembre 2018
Photographic workshop with Anders Petersen (Eyes in Progress).

Graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière (Noisy-le-Grand), in Photography – Image processing.

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